All notebooks are located at /examples in the OpenOA repository, and can be modified and run on Binder.
Be sure to install OpenOA using the examples
modifier (pip install "openoa[examples]"
). This
will install all of the dependencies used by the additional methods contained within the examples
In each of the following examples we’ll be providing more insight into the different functionalities
of OpenOA. In each notebook, OpenOA is demonstrated using two years of operational data for the La Haute Borne wind power plant from the ENGIE open data set (https://opendata-renewables.engie.com). The examples start by introducing the openoa.plant.PlantData
class and quality assurance methods in the openoa.utils.qa
utils module, illustrating how a PlantData object is created for the La Haute Borne data set (the rest of the examples use this PlantData object to demonstrate OpenOA analysis and utils methods). Next, several utils module use cases are demonstrated, such as power curve fitting and plotting. Three analysis methods are then demonstrated: MonteCarloAEP (long-term AEP analysis), TurbineLongTermGrossEnergy (turbine ideal energy), and ElectricalLosses. Next, the EYAGapAnalysis class is used to perform a gap analysis using the estimated operational long-term AEP, turbine ideal energy, electrical losses, and availability losses together with corresponding example pre-construction estimates. Two additional analysis methods are then demonstrated: the WakeLosses method for estimating operational wind plant and wind turbine-level wake losses, and the StaticYawMisalignment method for estimating static yaw misalignment for individual wind turbines as a function of wind speed.
Intro to OpenOA PlantData
and the QA Methods [link]#
Reiterates some of the essential concepts of the of the
classesShows how we formulated the
data cleaning and loading scriptsHighlights the QA methods available in
and how they work on real data
Demonstrating the Utils With the ENGIE Open Data [link]#
Walks through the use of various plotting and analysis methods
Introduces some of the building blocks of how analyses are composed
Gap Analysis Step 1a: Estimate the AEP and Its Uncertainty [link]#
Introduces the annual energy production (AEP) class, and how to estimate the uncertainty using a Monte Carlo approach
Demonstrates some of the supplementary tools to analysis, such as the plotting routines, and how to customize them, and how to use them through the
Gap Analysis Step 1b: Estimate the AEP and Its Uncertainty Using Cubico Open Data [link]#
Be sure to install OpenOA using the examples
and reanalysis
modifiers for this notebook
(pip install "openoa[examples,reanalysis]"
Introduces the annual energy production (AEP) class, and how to estimate the uncertainty using a Monte Carlo approach
Demonstrates some of the supplementary tools to analysis, such as the plotting routines, and how to customize them, and how to use them through the
Gap Analysis Step 1c: Alternative Methods for Calculating the AEP [link]#
Building from the previous example, the augmented capabilities for calculating AEP using a Monte Carlo framework for calculating the AEP are demonstrated
Demonstrates how to change the regression model and additional variables that can be considered for analyses
Gap Analysis Step 2: Calculate the Turbine Ideal Energy [link]#
Introduces the turbine long term gross energy estimation workflow
Demonstrates some of the supplementary tools to analysis, such as the plotting routines, and how to customize them, and how to use them through the
Gap Analysis Step 3: Estimate Electrical Losses [link]#
Introduces the electrical losses analysis workflow
Demonstrates some of the supplementary tools to analysis, such as the plotting routines, and how to customize them, and how to use them through the
Gap Analysis Step 4: Compare the Energy Yield Assessment to the Operational Assessment (Gap Analysis) [link]#
Ties together the previous examples to estimate energy production and potential losses
Demonstrates some of the supplementary tools to analysis, such as the plotting routines, and how to customize them, and how to use them through the
Estimate Operational Wake Losses [link]#
Introduces the operational wake loss estimation class and workflow
Demonstrates the estimation of wake losses based on turbine-level SCADA data during the period of record as well as the long-term corrected wake losses incorporating historical reanalysis wind resource data
Illustrates the estimation of wake losses at the wind plant level as well as for each wind turbine with and without uncertainty quantification
Demonstrates methods for plotting wake losses as a function of wind direction and wind speed
Estimate Yaw Misalignment [link]#
Introduces the static yaw misalignment estimation class and workflow
Demonstrates the estimation of yaw misalignment based on turbine-level SCADA data during the period of record
Illustrates the estimation of wake losses for each wind turbine with and without uncertainty quantification
Demonstrates methods for plotting yaw misalignment as a function of wind vane angle and normalized power
Table of Contents#
- Intro to the OpenOA
and QA Methods- The
object - Imports
- QA’ing ENGIE’s open data set
- Summarizing the QA process into a reproducible workflow
- The
- Demonstrating the Utils With the ENGIE Open Data
- Gap Analysis Step 1a: Estimate the AEP and Its Uncertainty
- Step 1: Import the data
- Step 2: Review the data
- Step 3: Process the data into monthly averages and sums
- Step 4: Review reanalysis data
- Step 5: Review energy and loss data
- Step 6: Specify availabilty and curtailment data not represenative of actual plant performance
- Step 7: Select reanalysis products to use
- Step 8: Set up Monte Carlo inputs
- Step 9: Run the OA code
- Step 10: Post-analysis visualization
- Gap Analysis Step 1b: Estimate the AEP and Its Uncertainty Using Cubico Open Data
- Step 1: Import the data
- Step 2: Review the data
- Step 3: Process the data into monthly averages and sums
- Step 4: Review reanalysis data
- Step 5: Review energy and loss data
- Step 6: Specify availabilty and curtailment data not represenative of actual plant performance
- Step 7: Select reanalysis products to use
- Step 8: Set up Monte Carlo inputs
- Step 9: Run the OA code
- Step 10: Post-analysis visualization
- Gap Analysis Step 1c: Alternative Methods for Calculating the AEP
- Gap Analysis Step 2: Calculate the Turbine Ideal Energy
- Gap Analysis Step 3: Estimate Electrical Losses
- Gap Analysis Step 4: Compare the Energy Yield Assessment to the Operational Assessment (Gap Analysis)
- Estimate Operational Wake Losses based on SCADA Data
- Estimate Static Yaw Misalignment based on SCADA Data