Source code for openoa.utils.power_curve.functions

This module holds ready-to-use power curve functions. They take windspeed and power columns as arguments and return a
python function which can be used to evaluate the power curve at arbitrary locations.
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Callable

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pygam import LinearGAM
from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution

from openoa.utils._converters import series_method, dataframe_method
from openoa.utils.power_curve.parametric_forms import logistic5param
from openoa.utils.power_curve.parametric_optimize import least_squares, fit_parametric_power_curve

[docs] @series_method(data_cols=["windspeed_col", "power_col"]) def IEC( windspeed_col: str | pd.Series, power_col: str | pd.Series, bin_width: float = 0.5, windspeed_start: float = 0, windspeed_end: float = 30.0, data: pd.DataFrame = None, ) -> Callable: """ Use IEC 61400-12-1-2 method for creating a binned wind-speed power curve. Power is set to zero for values outside the cutoff range: [:py:attr:`windspeed_start`, :py:attr:`windspeed_end`]. Args: windspeed_col(:obj:`str` | `pandas.Series`): Windspeed data, or the name of the column in :py:attr:`data`. power_col(:obj:`str` | `pandas.Series`): Power data, or the name of the column in :py:attr:`data`. bin_width(:obj:`float`): Width of windspeed bin. Defaults to 0.5 m/s, per the standard. windspeed_start(:obj:`float`): Left edge of first windspeed bin. Defaults to 0.0. windspeed_end(:obj:`float`): Right edge of last windspeed bin. Defaults to 30.0 data(:obj:`pandas.DataFrame`, optional): a pandas DataFrame containing :py:attr:`windspeed_col` and :py:attr:`power_col`. Defaults to None. Returns: :obj:`Callable`: Python function of type (Array[float] -> Array[float]) implementing the power curve. """ # Set up evenly spaced bins of fixed width, with any value over the maximum getting np.inf n_bins = int(np.ceil((windspeed_end - windspeed_start) / bin_width)) + 1 bins = np.append(np.linspace(windspeed_start, windspeed_end, n_bins), [np.inf]) # Initialize an array which will hold the mean values of each bin P_bin = np.ones(len(bins) - 1) * np.nan # Compute the mean of each bin and set corresponding P_bin for ibin in range(0, len(bins) - 1): indices = (windspeed_col >= bins[ibin]) & (windspeed_col < bins[ibin + 1]) P_bin[ibin] = power_col.loc[indices].mean() # Linearly interpolate any missing bins P_bin = pd.Series(data=P_bin).interpolate(method="linear").bfill().values # Create a closure over the computed bins which computes the power curve value for arbitrary array-like input def pc_iec(x): P = np.zeros(np.shape(x)) for i in range(0, len(bins) - 1): idx = np.where((x >= bins[i]) & (x < bins[i + 1])) P[idx] = P_bin[i] cutoff_idx = (x < windspeed_start) | (x > windspeed_end) P[cutoff_idx] = 0.0 return P return pc_iec
[docs] @series_method(data_cols=["windspeed_col", "power_col"]) def logistic_5_parametric( windspeed_col: str | pd.Series, power_col: str | pd.Series, data: pd.DataFrame = None ) -> Callable: """In this case, the function fits the 5 parameter logistics function to observed data via a least-squares optimization (i.e. minimizing the sum of the squares of the residual between the points as evaluated by the parameterized function and the points of observed data). Extra: The present implementation follows the filtering method reported in: M. Yesilbudaku Partitional clustering-based outlier detection for power curve optimization of wind turbines 2016 IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA), Birmingham, 2016, pp. 1080-1084. and the power curve method developed and reviewed in: M Lydia, AI Selvakumar, SS Kumar, GEP. Kumar Advanced algorithms for wind turbine power curve modeling IEEE Trans Sustainable Energy, 4 (2013), pp. 827-835 M. Lydia, S.S. Kumar, I. Selvakumar, G.E. Prem Kumar A comprehensive review on wind turbine power curve modeling techniques Renew. Sust. Energy Rev., 30 (2014), pp. 452-460 Args: windspeed_col(:obj:`str` | `pandas.Series`): Windspeed data, or the name of the column in :py:attr:`data`. power_col(:obj:`str` | `pandas.Series`): Power data, or the name of the column in :py:attr:`data`. data(:obj:`pandas.DataFrame`, optional): a pandas DataFrame containing :py:attr:`windspeed_col` and :py:attr:`power_col`. Defaults to None. Returns: :obj:`function`: Python function of type (Array[float] -> Array[float]) implementing the power curve. """ return fit_parametric_power_curve( windspeed_col, power_col, curve=logistic5param, optimization_algorithm=differential_evolution, cost_function=least_squares, bounds=((1200, 1800), (-10, -1e-3), (1e-3, 30), (1e-3, 1), (1e-3, 10)), )
[docs] @series_method(data_cols=["windspeed_col", "power_col"]) def gam( windspeed_col: str | pd.Series, power_col: str | pd.Series, n_splines: int = 20, data: pd.DataFrame = None, ) -> Callable: """ Use the generalized additive model, :py:class:`pygam.LinearGAM` to fit power to wind speed. Args: windspeed_col(:obj:`str` | `pandas.Series`): Windspeed data, or the name of the column in :py:attr:`data`. power_col(:obj:`str` | `pandas.Series`): Power data, or the name of the column in :py:attr:`data`. n_splines (:obj:`int`): Number of splines to use in the fit. Defaults to 20. data(:obj:`pandas.DataFrame`, optional): a pandas DataFrame containing :py:attr:`windspeed_col` and :py:attr:`power_col`. Defaults to None. Returns: :obj:`Callable`: Python function of type (Array[float] -> Array[float]) implementing the power curve. """ # Fit the model return LinearGAM(n_splines=n_splines).fit(windspeed_col.values, power_col.values).predict
[docs] @dataframe_method(data_cols=["windspeed_col", "wind_direction_col", "air_density_col", "power_col"]) def gam_3param( windspeed_col: str | pd.Series, wind_direction_col: str | pd.Series, air_density_col: str | pd.Series, power_col: str | pd.Series, n_splines: int = 20, data: pd.DataFrame = None, ) -> Callable: """ Use a generalized additive model to fit power to wind speed, wind direction and air density. Args: windspeed_col(:obj:`str` | `pandas.Series`): Windspeed data, or the name of the column in :py:attr:`data`. wind_direction_col(:obj:`str` | `pandas.Series`): Wind direction data, or the name of the column in :py:attr:`data`. air_density_col(:obj:`str` | `pandas.Series`): Air density data, or the name of the column in :py:attr:`data`. power_col(:obj:`str` | `pandas.Series`): Power data, or the name of the column in :py:attr:`data`. n_splines (:obj:`int`): Number of splines to use in the fit. Defaults to 20. data(:obj:`pandas.DataFrame`, optional): a pandas DataFrame containing :py:attr:`windspeed_col`, :py:attr:`wind_direction_col`, :py:attr:`air_density_col`, and :py:attr:`power_col`. Defaults to None. Returns: :obj:`Callable`: Python function of type (Array[float] -> Array[float]) implementing the power curve. """ # create dataframe input to LinearGAM and predicted response variable X = data[[windspeed_col, wind_direction_col, air_density_col]] y = data[power_col] # Fit the model model = LinearGAM(n_splines=n_splines).fit(X, y) # Wrap the prediction function in a closure to pack input variables @dataframe_method(data_cols=["windspeed_col", "wind_direction_col", "air_density_col"]) def predict( windspeed_col: str | pd.Series, wind_direction_col: str | pd.Series, air_density_col: str | pd.Series, data: pd.DataFrame = None, ): X = data[[windspeed_col, wind_direction_col, air_density_col]] return model.predict(X) return predict