This module holds ready-to-use power curve functions. They take windspeed and power columns as arguments and return a
python function which can be used to evaluate the power curve at arbitrary locations.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pygam import LinearGAM
from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution
from openoa.utils._converters import series_method, dataframe_method
from openoa.utils.power_curve.parametric_forms import logistic5param
from openoa.utils.power_curve.parametric_optimize import least_squares, fit_parametric_power_curve
@series_method(data_cols=["windspeed_col", "power_col"])
def IEC(
windspeed_col: str | pd.Series,
power_col: str | pd.Series,
bin_width: float = 0.5,
windspeed_start: float = 0,
windspeed_end: float = 30.0,
data: pd.DataFrame = None,
) -> Callable:
Use IEC 61400-12-1-2 method for creating a binned wind-speed power curve. Power is set to zero
for values outside the cutoff range: [:py:attr:`windspeed_start`, :py:attr:`windspeed_end`].
windspeed_col(:obj:`str` | `pandas.Series`): Windspeed data, or the name of the column in
power_col(:obj:`str` | `pandas.Series`): Power data, or the name of the column in
bin_width(:obj:`float`): Width of windspeed bin. Defaults to 0.5 m/s, per the standard.
windspeed_start(:obj:`float`): Left edge of first windspeed bin. Defaults to 0.0.
windspeed_end(:obj:`float`): Right edge of last windspeed bin. Defaults to 30.0
data(:obj:`pandas.DataFrame`, optional): a pandas DataFrame containing
:py:attr:`windspeed_col` and :py:attr:`power_col`. Defaults to None.
:obj:`Callable`: Python function of type (Array[float] -> Array[float]) implementing the power curve.
# Set up evenly spaced bins of fixed width, with any value over the maximum getting np.inf
n_bins = int(np.ceil((windspeed_end - windspeed_start) / bin_width)) + 1
bins = np.append(np.linspace(windspeed_start, windspeed_end, n_bins), [np.inf])
# Initialize an array which will hold the mean values of each bin
P_bin = np.ones(len(bins) - 1) * np.nan
# Compute the mean of each bin and set corresponding P_bin
for ibin in range(0, len(bins) - 1):
indices = (windspeed_col >= bins[ibin]) & (windspeed_col < bins[ibin + 1])
P_bin[ibin] = power_col.loc[indices].mean()
# Linearly interpolate any missing bins
P_bin = pd.Series(data=P_bin).interpolate(method="linear").bfill().values
# Create a closure over the computed bins which computes the power curve value for arbitrary array-like input
def pc_iec(x):
P = np.zeros(np.shape(x))
for i in range(0, len(bins) - 1):
idx = np.where((x >= bins[i]) & (x < bins[i + 1]))
P[idx] = P_bin[i]
cutoff_idx = (x < windspeed_start) | (x > windspeed_end)
P[cutoff_idx] = 0.0
return P
return pc_iec
@series_method(data_cols=["windspeed_col", "power_col"])
def logistic_5_parametric(
windspeed_col: str | pd.Series, power_col: str | pd.Series, data: pd.DataFrame = None
) -> Callable:
"""In this case, the function fits the 5 parameter logistics function to observed data via a
least-squares optimization (i.e. minimizing the sum of the squares of the residual between the
points as evaluated by the parameterized function and the points of observed data).
The present implementation follows the filtering method reported in:
M. Yesilbudaku Partitional clustering-based outlier detection
for power curve optimization of wind turbines 2016 IEEE International
Conference on Renewable Energy Research and
Applications (ICRERA), Birmingham, 2016, pp. 1080-1084.
and the power curve method developed and reviewed in:
M Lydia, AI Selvakumar, SS Kumar, GEP. Kumar
Advanced algorithms for wind turbine power curve modeling
IEEE Trans Sustainable Energy, 4 (2013), pp. 827-835
M. Lydia, S.S. Kumar, I. Selvakumar, G.E. Prem Kumar
A comprehensive review on wind turbine power curve modeling techniques
Renew. Sust. Energy Rev., 30 (2014), pp. 452-460
windspeed_col(:obj:`str` | `pandas.Series`): Windspeed data, or the name of the column in
power_col(:obj:`str` | `pandas.Series`): Power data, or the name of the column in
data(:obj:`pandas.DataFrame`, optional): a pandas DataFrame containing
:py:attr:`windspeed_col` and :py:attr:`power_col`. Defaults to None.
:obj:`function`: Python function of type (Array[float] -> Array[float]) implementing the power curve.
return fit_parametric_power_curve(
bounds=((1200, 1800), (-10, -1e-3), (1e-3, 30), (1e-3, 1), (1e-3, 10)),
@series_method(data_cols=["windspeed_col", "power_col"])
def gam(
windspeed_col: str | pd.Series,
power_col: str | pd.Series,
n_splines: int = 20,
data: pd.DataFrame = None,
) -> Callable:
Use the generalized additive model, :py:class:`pygam.LinearGAM` to fit power to wind speed.
windspeed_col(:obj:`str` | `pandas.Series`): Windspeed data, or the name of the column in
power_col(:obj:`str` | `pandas.Series`): Power data, or the name of the column in
n_splines (:obj:`int`): Number of splines to use in the fit. Defaults to 20.
data(:obj:`pandas.DataFrame`, optional): a pandas DataFrame containing
:py:attr:`windspeed_col` and :py:attr:`power_col`. Defaults to None.
:obj:`Callable`: Python function of type (Array[float] -> Array[float]) implementing the power curve.
# Fit the model
return LinearGAM(n_splines=n_splines).fit(windspeed_col.values, power_col.values).predict
@dataframe_method(data_cols=["windspeed_col", "wind_direction_col", "air_density_col", "power_col"])
def gam_3param(
windspeed_col: str | pd.Series,
wind_direction_col: str | pd.Series,
air_density_col: str | pd.Series,
power_col: str | pd.Series,
n_splines: int = 20,
data: pd.DataFrame = None,
) -> Callable:
Use a generalized additive model to fit power to wind speed, wind direction and air density.
windspeed_col(:obj:`str` | `pandas.Series`): Windspeed data, or the name of the column in
wind_direction_col(:obj:`str` | `pandas.Series`): Wind direction data, or the name of the
column in :py:attr:`data`.
air_density_col(:obj:`str` | `pandas.Series`): Air density data, or the name of the column
in :py:attr:`data`.
power_col(:obj:`str` | `pandas.Series`): Power data, or the name of the column in
n_splines (:obj:`int`): Number of splines to use in the fit. Defaults to 20.
data(:obj:`pandas.DataFrame`, optional): a pandas DataFrame containing
:py:attr:`windspeed_col`, :py:attr:`wind_direction_col`, :py:attr:`air_density_col`,
and :py:attr:`power_col`. Defaults to None.
:obj:`Callable`: Python function of type (Array[float] -> Array[float]) implementing the power curve.
# create dataframe input to LinearGAM and predicted response variable
X = data[[windspeed_col, wind_direction_col, air_density_col]]
y = data[power_col]
# Fit the model
model = LinearGAM(n_splines=n_splines).fit(X, y)
# Wrap the prediction function in a closure to pack input variables
@dataframe_method(data_cols=["windspeed_col", "wind_direction_col", "air_density_col"])
def predict(
windspeed_col: str | pd.Series,
wind_direction_col: str | pd.Series,
air_density_col: str | pd.Series,
data: pd.DataFrame = None,
X = data[[windspeed_col, wind_direction_col, air_density_col]]
return model.predict(X)
return predict