This module fetches metadata of wind farms
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from pathlib import Path
import eia
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from openoa.utils import unit_conversion
from openoa import PlantData
def fetch_eia(
api_key: str,
plant_id: str,
file_path: str | Path,
plant_file: str | Path,
plant_sheet: str | Path,
wind_file: str | Path,
wind_sheet: str | Path,
Read in EIA data of wind farm of interest:
- from EIA API for monthly productions, return monthly net energy generation time series
- from local Excel files for wind farm metadata, return dictionary of metadata
api_key(:obj:`str`): 32-character user-specific API key, obtained from EIA.
plant_id(:obj:`str`): 5-character EIA power plant code.
file_path(:obj:`str`): Directory with EIA metadata .xlsx files.
plant_file(:obj:`str` | `Path`): Name of the plant metadata Excel file in :py:attr:`file_path`.
Formerly hard-coded to: "2___Plant_Y2017.xlsx".
plant_sheet(:obj:`str`): The name of the sheet containing the data in :py:attr:`plant_file`.
Formerly hard-coded as "Plant".
wind_file(:obj:`str` | `Path`): Name of the wind metadata Excel file in :py:attr:`file_path`.
Formerly hard-coded to: ""3_2_Wind_Y2017.xlsx".
wind_sheet(:obj:`str`): The name of the sheet containing the data in :py:attr:`plant_file`.
Formerly hard-coded as "Operable".
:obj:`pandas.Series`: monthly net energy generation in MWh
:obj:`dictionary`: metadata of the wind farm with 'plant_id'
file_path = Path(file_path).resolve()
# EIA metadata
plant_var_list = [
"Balancing Authority Name",
"Transmission or Distribution System Owner",
wind_var_list = [
"Utility Name",
"Plant Name",
"Nameplate Capacity (MW)",
"Operating Month",
"Operating Year",
"Number of Turbines",
"Predominant Turbine Manufacturer",
"Predominant Turbine Model Number",
"Turbine Hub Height (Feet)",
def meta_dic_fn(metafile: str | Path, sheet: str, var_list: list[str]):
all_plant = pd.read_excel(file_path / metafile, sheet_name=sheet, skiprows=1)
eia_plant = all_plant.loc[
all_plant["Plant Code"] == np.int64(plant_id)
] # specific wind farm
if eia_plant.shape[0] == 0: # Couldn't locate EIA ID in database
raise Exception("Plant ID not found in EIA database")
eia_info = eia_plant[var_list] # select column
eia_info = eia_info.reset_index(drop=True) # reset index to 0
eia_dic = eia_info.T.to_dict() # convert to dictionary
out_dic = eia_dic[0] # remove extra level of dictionary, "0" in this case
return out_dic
# file path with 2017 EIA metadata files
plant_dict = meta_dic_fn(plant_file, plant_sheet, plant_var_list)
wind_dict = meta_dic_fn(wind_file, wind_sheet, wind_var_list)
# convert feet to meter and delete reference to feet
hub_height = np.round(
unit_conversion.convert_feet_to_meter(wind_dict["Turbine Hub Height (Feet)"])
wind_dict.update({"Turbine Hub Height (m)": hub_height})
wind_dict.pop("Turbine Hub Height (Feet)", None)
out_dic = plant_dict.copy()
out_dic.update(wind_dict) # append dictionary
# EIA monthly energy production data
api = eia.API(api_key) # get data from EIA
series_search_m = api.data_by_series(series="ELEC.PLANT.GEN.%s-ALL-ALL.M" % plant_id)
eia_monthly = pd.DataFrame(series_search_m) # net monthly energy generation of wind farm in MWh
eia_monthly.columns = ["eia_monthly_mwh"] # rename column
eia_monthly = eia_monthly.set_index(
) # convert to DatetimeIndex
return eia_monthly, out_dic
def attach_eia_data(
project: PlantData,
api_key: str,
plant_id: str,
file_path: str | Path,
plant_file: str | Path,
plant_sheet: str | Path,
wind_file: str | Path,
wind_sheet: str | Path,
Assign EIA meta data to PlantData object, which is by default an empty dictionary.
project(:obj:`PlantData`): PlantData object for a particular project
api_key(:obj:`str`): 32-character user-specific API key, obtained from EIA.
plant_id(:obj:`str`): 5-character EIA power plant code.
file_path(:obj:`str`): Directory with EIA metadata .xlsx files.
plant_file(:obj:`str` | `Path`): Name of the plant metadata Excel file in :py:attr:`file_path`.
Formerly hard-coded to: "2___Plant_Y2017.xlsx".
plant_sheet(:obj:`str`): The name of the sheet containing the data in :py:attr:`plant_file`.
wind_file(:obj:`str` | `Path`): Name of the wind metadata Excel file in :py:attr:`file_path`.
Formerly hard-coded to: ""3_2_Wind_Y2017.xlsx".
wind_sheet(:obj:`str`): The name of the sheet containing the data in :py:attr:`plant_file`.
project.eia["api_key"] = api_key
project.eia["data_dir"] = file_path
project.eia["eia_id"] = plant_id
project.eia["monthly_energy"], project.eia["meta_data"] = fetch_eia(
api_key, plant_id, file_path, plant_file, plant_sheet, wind_file, wind_sheet