This module provides functions for flagging pandas data series based on a range of criteria. The functions are largely
intended for application in wind plant operational energy analysis, particularly wind speed vs. power curves.
from __future__ import annotations
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from openoa.utils._converters import (
def range_flag(
data: pd.DataFrame | pd.Series,
lower: float | list[float],
upper: float | list[float],
col: list[str] | None = None,
) -> pd.Series | pd.DataFrame:
"""Flag data for which the specified data is outside the provided range of [lower, upper].
data (:obj:`pandas.Series` | `pandas.DataFrame`): data frame containing the column to be flagged;
can either be a ``pandas.Series`` or ``pandas.DataFrame``. If a ``pandas.DataFrame``, a list of
threshold values and columns (if checking a subset of the columns) must be provided.
col (:obj:`list[str]`): column(s) in :pyattr:`data` to be flagged, by default None. Only
required when the `data` is a ``pandas.DataFrame`` and a subset of the columns will be
checked. Must be the same length as :py:attr:`lower` and :py:attr:`upper`.
lower (:obj:`float` | `list[float]`): lower threshold (inclusive) for each element of :py:attr:`data`,
if it's a ``pd.Series``, or the list of lower thresholds for each column in `col`. If the same
threshold is applied to each column, then pass the single value, otherwise, it must be
the same length as :py:attr:`col` and :py:attr:`upper`.
upper (:obj:`float` | `list[float]`): upper threshold (inclusive) for each element of :py:attr:`data`,
if it's a ``pd.Series``, or the list of upper thresholds for each column in :py:attr:`col`. If the same
threshold is applied to each column, then pass the single value, otherwise, it must be
the same length as :py:attr:`lower` and :py:attr:`col`.
:obj:`pandas.Series` | `pandas.DataFrame`: Series or DataFrame (depending on :py:attr:`data` type) with
boolean entries.
# Prepare the inputs to be standardized for use with DataFrames
if to_series := isinstance(data, pd.Series):
data, col = series_to_df(data)
if col is None:
col = data.columns.tolist()
upper, lower = convert_args_to_lists(len(col), upper, lower)
if len(col) != len(lower) != len(upper):
raise ValueError("The inputs to `col`, `above`, and `below` must be the same length.")
# Only flag the desired columns
subset = data.loc[:, col].copy()
flag = ~(subset.ge(lower) & subset.le(upper))
# Return back a pd.Series if one was provided, else a pd.DataFrame
return flag[col[0]] if to_series else flag
def unresponsive_flag(
data: pd.DataFrame | pd.Series,
threshold: int = 3,
col: list[str] | None = None,
) -> pd.Series | pd.DataFrame:
"""Flag time stamps for which the reported data does not change for `threshold` repeated intervals.
data (:obj:`pandas.Series` | `pandas.DataFrame`): data frame containing the column to be flagged;
can either be a `pandas.Series` or ``pandas.DataFrame``. If a ``pandas.DataFrame``, a list of
threshold values and columns (if checking a subset of the columns) must be provided.
col (:obj:`list[str]`): column(s) in `data` to be flagged, by default None. Only required when
the `data` is a ``pandas.DataFrame`` and a subset of the columns will be checked. Must be
the same length as :py:attr:`lower` and :py:attr:`upper`.
threshold (:obj:`int`): number of intervals over which measurment does not change for each
element of :py:attr:`data`, regardless if it's a ``pd.Series`` or ``pd.DataFrame``.
Defaults to 3.
:obj:`pandas.Series` | `pandas.DataFrame`: Series or DataFrame (depending on ``data`` type) with
boolean entries.
# Prepare the inputs to be standardized for use with DataFrames
if to_series := isinstance(data, pd.Series):
data, col = series_to_df(data)
if col is None:
col = data.columns.tolist()
if not isinstance(threshold, int):
raise TypeError("The input to `threshold` must be an integer.")
# Get boolean value of the difference in successive time steps is not equal to zero, and take the
# rolling sum of the boolean diff column in period lengths defined by threshold
subset = data.loc[:, col].copy()
flag = subset.diff(axis=0).ne(0).rolling(threshold - 1).sum()
# Create boolean series that is True if rolling sum is zero
flag = flag == 0
# Need to flag preceding `threshold` values as well
flag = flag | np.any([flag.shift(-1 - i, axis=0) for i in range(threshold - 1)], axis=0)
# Return back a pd.Series if one was provided, else a pd.DataFrame
return flag[col[0]] if to_series else flag
def std_range_flag(
data: pd.DataFrame | pd.Series,
threshold: float | list[float] = 2.0,
col: list[str] | None = None,
) -> pd.Series | pd.DataFrame:
"""Flag time stamps for which the measurement is outside of the threshold number of standard deviations
from the mean across the data.
... note:: This method does not distinguish between asset IDs.
data (:obj:`pandas.Series` | `pandas.DataFrame`): data frame containing the column to be flagged;
can either be a ``pandas.Series`` or ``pandas.DataFrame``. If a ``pandas.DataFrame``, a list of
threshold values and columns (if checking a subset of the columns) must be provided.
col (:obj:`list[str]`): column(s) in :py:attr:`data` to be flagged, by default None. Only required when
the :py:attr:`data` is a `pandas.DataFrame` and a subset of the columns will be checked. Must be
the same length as :py:attr:`lower` and :py:attr:`upper`.
threshold (:obj:`float` | `list[float]`): multiplicative factor on the standard deviation of :py:attr:`data`,
if it's a ``pd.Series``, or the list of multiplicative factors on the standard deviation for
each column in :py:attr:`col`. If the same factor is applied to each column, then pass the single
value, otherwise, it must be the same length as :py:attr:`col` and :py:attr:`upper`.
:obj:`pandas.Series` | `pandas.DataFrame`: Series or DataFrame (depending on :py:attr:`data` type) with
boolean entries.
# Prepare the inputs to be standardized for use with DataFrames
if to_series := isinstance(data, pd.Series):
data, col = series_to_df(data)
if col is None:
col = data.columns.tolist()
threshold, *_ = convert_args_to_lists(len(col), threshold)
if len(col) != len(threshold):
raise ValueError("The inputs to `col` and `threshold` must be the same length.")
subset = data.loc[:, col].copy()
data_mean = np.nanmean(subset.values, axis=0)
data_std = np.nanstd(subset.values, ddof=1, axis=0) * np.array(threshold)
flag = subset.le(data_mean - data_std) | subset.ge(data_mean + data_std)
# Return back a pd.Series if one was provided, else a pd.DataFrame
return flag[col[0]] if to_series else flag
@series_method(data_cols=["window_col", "value_col"])
def window_range_flag(
window_col: str | pd.Series = None,
window_start: float = -np.inf,
window_end: float = np.inf,
value_col: str | pd.Series = None,
value_min: float = -np.inf,
value_max: float = np.inf,
data: pd.DataFrame = None,
) -> pd.Series:
"""Flag time stamps for which measurement in `window_col` are within the range: [`window_start`, `window_end`], and
the measurements in `value_col` are outside of the range [`value_min`, `value_max`].
data (:obj:`pandas.DataFrame`): data frame containing the columns :py:attr:`window_col` and
`value_col`, by default None.
window_col (:obj:`str` | `pandas.Series`): Name of the column or used to define the window
range or the data as a pandas Series, by default None.
window_start(:obj:`float`): minimum value for the inclusive window, by default -np.inf.
window_end(:obj:`float`): maximum value for the inclusive window, by default np.inf.
value_col (:obj:`str` | `pandas.Series`): Name of the column used to define the value range
or the data as a pandas Series, by default None.
value_max(:obj:`float`): upper threshold for the inclusive data range; default np.inf
value_min(:obj:`float`): lower threshold for the inclusive data range; default -np.inf
:obj:`pandas.Series`: Series with boolean entries.
flag = window_col.between(window_start, window_end) & ~value_col.between(value_min, value_max)
return flag
@series_method(data_cols=["bin_col", "value_col"])
def bin_filter(
bin_col: pd.Series | str,
value_col: pd.Series | str,
bin_width: float,
threshold: float = 2,
center_type: str = "mean",
bin_min: float = None,
bin_max: float = None,
threshold_type: str = "std",
direction: str = "all",
data: pd.DataFrame = None,
"""Flag time stamps for which data in `value_col` when binned by data in `bin_col` into bins of
width `bin_width` are outside the `threhsold` bin. The `center_type` of each bin can be either the
median or mean, and flagging can be applied directionally (i.e. above or below the center, or both)
bin_col(:obj:`pandas.Series` | `str`): The Series or column in :py:attr:`data` to be used for binning.
value_col(:obj:`pandas.Series`): The Series or column in :py:attr:`data` to be flagged.
bin_width(:obj:`float`): Width of bin in units of :py:attr:`bin_col`
threshold(:obj:`float`): Outlier threshold (multiplicative factor of std of `value_col` in bin)
bin_min(:obj:`float`): Minimum bin value below which flag should not be applied
bin_max(:obj:`float`): Maximum bin value above which flag should not be applied
threshold_type(:obj:`str`): Option to apply a 'std', 'scalar', or 'mad' (median absolute deviation)
based threshold
center_type(:obj:`str`): Option to use a 'mean' or 'median' center for each bin
direction(:obj:`str`): Option to apply flag only to data 'above' or 'below' the mean, by default 'all'
data(:obj:`pd.DataFrame`): DataFrame containing both :py:attr:`bin_col` and :py:attr:`value_col`, if data
are part of the same DataFrame, by default None.
:obj:`pandas.Series(bool)`: Array-like object with boolean entries.
if center_type not in ("mean", "median"):
raise ValueError("Incorrect `center_type` specified; must be one of 'mean' or 'median'.")
if threshold_type not in ("std", "scalar", "mad"):
raise ValueError("Incorrect `threshold_type` specified; must be one of 'std' or 'scalar'.")
if direction not in ("all", "above", "below"):
raise ValueError(
"Incorrect `direction` specified; must be one of 'all', 'above', or 'below'."
# Set bin min and max values if not passed to function
if bin_min is None:
bin_min = np.min(bin_col.values)
if bin_max is None:
bin_max = np.max(bin_col.values)
# Define bin edges
bin_edges = np.arange(bin_min, bin_max, bin_width)
# Ensure the last bin edge value is bin_max
bin_edges = np.unique(np.clip(np.append(bin_edges, bin_max), bin_min, bin_max))
# Bin the data and recreate the comparison data as a multi-column data frame
which_bin_col = np.digitize(bin_col, bin_edges, right=True)
# Create the flag values as a matrix with each column being the timestamp's binned value,
# e.g., all columns values are NaN if the data point is not in that bin
flag_vals = (
value_col.to_frame().set_index(pd.Series(which_bin_col, name="bin"), append=True).unstack()
drop = [i for i, el in enumerate(flag_vals.columns.names) if el != "bin"]
flag_vals.columns = flag_vals.columns.droplevel(drop).rename(None)
# Create a False array as default, so flags are set to True
flag_df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros_like(flag_vals, dtype=bool), index=flag_vals.index)
# Get center of binned data
if center_type == "median":
center = np.nanmedian(flag_vals.values, axis=0)
center = np.nanmean(flag_vals.values, axis=0)
center = pd.DataFrame(
np.full(flag_vals.shape, center),
# Define threshold of data flag
if threshold_type == "std":
deviation = np.nanstd(flag_vals.values, ddof=1, axis=0) * threshold
elif threshold_type == "scalar":
deviation = threshold
else: # median absolute deviation (mad)
deviation = np.nanmedian(np.abs(flag_vals.values - center.values), axis=0) * threshold
# Perform flagging depending on specfied direction
if direction in ("above", "all"):
flag_df |= flag_vals > center + deviation
if direction in ("below", "all"):
flag_df |= flag_vals < center - deviation
# Get all instances where the value is True, and reset any values outside the bin limits
flag = pd.Series(np.nanmax(flag_df, axis=1), index=flag_df.index, dtype="bool")
flag.loc[(bin_col <= bin_min) | (bin_col > bin_max)] = False
return flag
@dataframe_method(data_cols=["data_col1", "data_col2"])
def cluster_mahalanobis_2d(
data_col1: pd.Series | str,
data_col2: pd.Series | str,
n_clusters: int = 13,
dist_thresh: float = 3.0,
data: pd.DataFrame = None,
) -> pd.Series:
"""K-means clustering of data into `n_cluster` clusters; Mahalanobis distance evaluated for each cluster and
points with distances outside of `dist_thresh` are flagged; distinguishes between asset IDs.
data_col1(:obj:`pandas.Series` | `str`): Series or column :py:attr:`data` corresponding to the first
data column in a 2D cluster analysis
data_col2(:obj:`pandas.Series` | `str`): Series or column :py:attr:`data` corresponding to the second
data column in a 2D cluster analysis
n_clusters(:obj:`int`):' number of clusters to use
dist_thresh(:obj:`float`): maximum Mahalanobis distance within each cluster for data to be remain unflagged
data(:obj:`pd.DataFrame`): DataFrame containing both :py:attr:`data_col1` and :py:attr:`data_col2`, if data
are part of the same DataFrame, by default None.
:obj:`pandas.Series(bool)`: Array-like object with boolean entries.
data = data.loc[:, [data_col1, data_col2]].copy()
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters).fit(data)
# Define empty flag of 'False' values with indices matching value_col
flag = pd.Series(index=data.index, data=False)
# Loop through clusters and flag data that fall outside a threshold distance from cluster center
for i in range(n_clusters):
# Extract data for cluster
clust_sub = kmeans.labels_ == i
cluster = data.loc[clust_sub]
# Cluster centroid
centroid = kmeans.cluster_centers_[i]
# Cluster covariance and inverse covariance
covmx = cluster.cov()
invcovmx = sp.linalg.inv(covmx)
# Compute mahalnobis distance of each point in cluster
mahalanobis_dist = cluster.apply(
lambda r: sp.spatial.distance.mahalanobis(r.values, centroid, invcovmx), axis=1
# Flag data outside the distance threshold
flag_bin = mahalanobis_dist > dist_thresh
# Record flags in final flag column
flag.loc[flag_bin.index] = flag_bin
return flag