# This class defines key analytical routines for calculating electrical losses for
# a wind plant using operational data. Electrical loss is calculated per month and on
# an average annual basis by comparing monthly energy production from the turbines
# and the revenue meter
from __future__ import annotations
import datetime
from copy import deepcopy
import attrs
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import numpy.typing as npt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
from attrs import field, define
import openoa.utils.timeseries as ts
from openoa.plant import PlantData
from openoa.schema import FromDictMixin, ResetValuesMixin
from openoa.logging import logging, logged_method_call
from openoa.utils.plot import set_styling
from openoa.analysis._analysis_validators import validate_UQ_input, validate_half_closed_0_1_right
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
NDArrayFloat = npt.NDArray[np.float64]
class ElectricalLosses(FromDictMixin, ResetValuesMixin):
A serial implementation of calculating the average monthly and annual electrical losses at a
wind power plant, and the associated uncertainty. Energy output from the turbine SCADA meter and
the wind plant revenue meter are used to estimate electrical losses.
First, the daily sums of turbine and revenue meter energy are calculated over the plant's period
of record where all turbines and the revenue meter contan every considered timestep. Electrical
losses are then calculated as the difference between the total turbine energy production and the
meter production over those concurrent days.
For uncertainty quantification, a Monte Carlo (MC) approach is used to sample the revenue meter
data and SCADA data with a default 0.5% imposed uncertainty, alongside a sampled filtering
parameter. The uncertainty in estimated electrical losses is quantified as the standard
deviation of the distribution of losses obtained from the MC sampling.
If the revenue meter data is not provided on a daily or sub-daily basis (e.g. monthly), the the
sum of daily turbine energy is corrected for any missing reported energy data from the turbines
based on the ratio of expected number of data points per day to the actual data points
available. The daily corrected sum of turbine energy is then summed on a monthly basis.
Electrical loss is then the difference between the total corrected turbine energy production and
meter production over those concurrent months.
plant(:obj:`PlantData`): A :py:attr:`openoa.plant.PlantData` object that has been validated
with at least `:py:attr:`openoa.plant.PlantData.analysis_type` = "ElectricalLosses".
UQ(:obj:`bool`): Indicator to perform (True) or not (False) uncertainty quantification.
num_sim(:obj:`int`): Number of Monte Carlo simulations to perform.
uncertainty_meter(:obj:`float`): Uncertainty imposed on the revenue meter data (for
:py:attr:`UQ` = True case).
uncertainty_scada(:obj:`float`): Uncertainty imposed on the scada data (for :py:attr:`UQ` =
True case).
uncertainty_correction_threshold(:obj:`tuple` | `float`): Data availability thresholds, in
the range of (0, 1), under which months should be eliminated. If :py:attr:`UQ` = True,
then a 2-element tuple containing an upper and lower bound for a randomly selected value
should be given, otherwise, a scalar value should be provided.
plant: PlantData = field(converter=deepcopy, validator=attrs.validators.instance_of(PlantData))
UQ: bool = field(default=False, validator=attrs.validators.instance_of(bool))
num_sim: int = field(default=20000, converter=int)
uncertainty_meter: float = field(default=0.005, validator=validate_half_closed_0_1_right)
uncertainty_scada: float = field(default=0.005, validator=validate_half_closed_0_1_right)
uncertainty_correction_threshold: NDArrayFloat | tuple[float, float] | float = field(
default=(0.9, 0.995), validator=(validate_UQ_input, validate_half_closed_0_1_right)
# Internally created attributes need to be given a type before usage
monthly_meter: bool = field(default=False, init=False)
inputs: pd.DataFrame = field(init=False)
electrical_losses: NDArrayFloat = field(init=False)
scada_sum: pd.DataFrame = field(init=False)
scada_daily: pd.DataFrame = field(init=False)
scada_full_count: pd.DataFrame = field(init=False)
meter_daily: pd.DataFrame = field(init=False)
combined_energy: pd.DataFrame = field(init=False)
total_turbine_energy: pd.DataFrame = field(init=False)
total_meter_energy: pd.DataFrame = field(init=False)
run_parameters: list[str] = field(
def __attrs_post_init__(self):
Initialize logging and post-initialization setup steps.
if {"ElectricalLosses", "all"}.intersection(self.plant.analysis_type) == set():
# Ensure the data are up to spec before continuing with initialization
logger.info("Initializing Electrical Losses Object")
# Check that selected UQ is allowed and reset num_sim if no UQ
if self.UQ:
logger.info("Note: uncertainty quantification will be performed in the calculation")
logger.info("Note: uncertainty quantification will NOT be performed in the calculation")
self.num_sim = 1 # override in case of bad user input
# Process the SCADA and meter data appropriately
if self.plant.metadata.meter.frequency not in ("MS", "ME", "1MS"):
self.monthly_meter = False
def run(
num_sim: int | None = None,
uncertainty_meter: NDArrayFloat | float = None,
uncertainty_scada: NDArrayFloat | float = None,
uncertainty_correction_threshold: NDArrayFloat | tuple[float, float] | float = None,
Run the electrical losses calculation.
.. note:: If None is provided to any of the inputs, then the last used input value will be
used for the analysis, and if no prior values were set, then this is the model's defaults.
num_sim(:obj:`int`): Number of Monte Carlo simulations to perform.
uncertainty_meter(:obj:`float`): Uncertainty imposed on the revenue meter data (for
:py:attr:`UQ` = True case).
uncertainty_scada(:obj:`float`): Uncertainty imposed on the scada data (for :py:attr:`UQ` =
True case).
uncertainty_correction_threshold(:obj:`tuple` | `float`): Data availability thresholds, in
the range of (0, 1], under which months should be eliminated. If :py:attr:`UQ` = True,
then a 2-element tuple containing an upper and lower bound for a randomly selected value
should be given, otherwise, a scalar value should be provided.
initial_parameters = {}
if num_sim is not None:
if self.UQ:
initial_parameters["num_sim"] = self.num_sim
self.num_sim = num_sim
elif num_sim > 1:
"`num_sim` can NOT be greater than 1 when `UQ=False`, value has not been set."
if uncertainty_meter is not None:
initial_parameters["uncertainty_meter"] = self.uncertainty_meter
self.uncertainty_meter = uncertainty_meter
if uncertainty_scada is not None:
initial_parameters["uncertainty_scada"] = self.uncertainty_scada
self.uncertainty_scada = uncertainty_scada
if uncertainty_correction_threshold is not None:
] = self.uncertainty_correction_threshold
self.uncertainty_correction_threshold = uncertainty_correction_threshold
# Setup Monte Carlo approach, and calculate the electrical losses
# Reset the class arguments back to the initialized values
def process_scada(self):
Calculate daily sum of turbine energy only for days when all turbines are reporting
at all time steps.
logger.info("Processing SCADA data")
scada_df = self.plant.scada.copy()
# Sum up SCADA data power and energy and count number of entries
ix_time = self.plant.scada.index.get_level_values("time")
self.scada_sum = scada_df.groupby(ix_time)[["WTUR_SupWh"]].sum()
self.scada_sum["count"] = scada_df.groupby(ix_time)[["WTUR_SupWh"]].count()
# Calculate daily sum of all turbine energy production and count number of entries
self.scada_daily = self.scada_sum.resample("D")["WTUR_SupWh"].sum().to_frame()
self.scada_daily["count"] = self.scada_sum.resample("D")["count"].sum()
# Specify expected count provided all turbines reporting
expected_count = (
/ (ts.offset_to_seconds(self.plant.metadata.scada.frequency) / 60)
* self.plant.n_turbines
# Correct sum of turbine energy for cases with missing reported data
self.scada_daily["corrected_energy"] = (
self.scada_daily["WTUR_SupWh"] * expected_count / self.scada_daily["count"]
self.scada_daily["percent"] = self.scada_daily["count"] / expected_count
# Store daily SCADA data where all turbines reporting for every time step during the day
self.scada_full_count = self.scada_daily.loc[self.scada_daily["count"] == expected_count]
def process_meter(self):
Calculate daily sum of meter energy only for days when meter data is reporting at all time steps.
logger.info("Processing meter data")
meter_df = self.plant.meter.copy()
# Sum up meter data to daily
self.meter_daily = meter_df.resample("D").sum()
self.meter_daily["count"] = meter_df.resample("D")["MMTR_SupWh"].count()
# Specify expected count provided all timestamps reporting
expected_count = (
/ (ts.offset_to_seconds(self.plant.metadata.scada.frequency) / 60)
# Keep only data with all turbines reporting for every time step during the day
self.meter_daily = self.meter_daily[self.meter_daily["count"] == expected_count]
def calculate_electrical_losses(self):
Apply Monte Carlo approach to calculate electrical losses and their uncertainty based on the
difference in the sum of turbine and metered energy over the compiled days.
logger.info("Calculating electrical losses")
# Loop through number of simulations, calculate losses each time, store results
for n in tqdm(np.arange(self.num_sim)):
_run = self.inputs.loc[n]
meter_df = self.plant.meter.copy()
# If monthly meter data, sum the corrected daily turbine energy to monthly and merge
if self.monthly_meter:
scada_monthly = self.scada_daily.resample("MS")["corrected_energy"].sum().to_frame()
scada_monthly.columns = ["WTUR_SupWh"]
# Determine availability for each month represented
scada_monthly["count"] = self.scada_sum.resample("MS")["count"].sum()
scada_monthly["expected_count_monthly"] = (
/ (pd.to_timedelta(self.plant.scada.frequency).total_seconds() / 60)
* self.plant.n_turbines
scada_monthly["percent"] = (
scada_monthly["count"] / scada_monthly["expected_count_monthly"]
# Filter out months in which there was less than x% of total running (all turbines at all timesteps)
scada_monthly = scada_monthly.loc[
scada_monthly["percent"] >= _run.correction_threshold, :
self.combined_energy = meter_df.join(
scada_monthly, lsuffix="_meter", rsuffix="_scada"
# If sub-monthly meter data, merge the daily data for which all turbines are reporting at all timestamps
# Note 'self.scada_full_count' only contains full reported data
self.combined_energy = self.meter_daily.join(
self.scada_full_count, lsuffix="_meter", rsuffix="_scada"
# Drop non-concurrent timestamps and get total sums over concurrent period of record
merge_sum = self.combined_energy.sum(axis=0)
# Calculate electrical loss from difference of sum of turbine and meter energy
self.total_turbine_energy = merge_sum["WTUR_SupWh"] * _run.scada_data_fraction
self.total_meter_energy = merge_sum["MMTR_SupWh"] * _run.meter_data_fraction
self.electrical_losses[n] = 1 - self.total_meter_energy / self.total_turbine_energy
def plot_monthly_losses(
xlim: tuple[datetime.datetime | None, datetime.datetime | None] = (None, None),
ylim: tuple[float | None, float | None] = (None, None),
return_fig: bool = False,
figure_kwargs: dict = {},
legend_kwargs: dict = {},
plot_kwargs: dict = {},
) -> None | tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]:
"""Plots the monthly timeseries of electrical losses as a percent.
xlim(:obj: `tuple[float, float]`, optional): A tuple of the x-axis (min, max) values.
Defaults to (None, None).
ylim(:obj: `tuple[float, float]`, optional): A tuple of the y-axis (min, max) values.
Defaults to (None, None).
return_fig(:obj:`bool`, optional): Set to True to return the figure and axes objects,
otherwise set to False. Defaults to False.
figure_kwargs(:obj:`dict`, optional): Additional keyword arguments that should be
passed to ``plt.figure()``. Defaults to {}.
scatter_kwargs(:obj:`dict`, optional): Additional keyword arguments that should be
passed to ``ax.plot()``. Defaults to {}.
legend_kwargs(:obj:`dict`, optional): Additional keyword arguments that should be
passed to ``ax.legend()``. Defaults to {}.
None | tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]: If :py:attr:`return_fig`, then return the figure
and axes objects in addition to showing the plot.
figure_kwargs.setdefault("dpi", 200)
fig = plt.figure(**figure_kwargs)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
monthly_energy = self.combined_energy.resample("MS").sum()
losses = (
monthly_energy["corrected_energy"] - monthly_energy["MMTR_SupWh"]
) / monthly_energy["corrected_energy"]
mean = losses.mean()
std = losses.std()
losses * 100,
label=f"Electrical Losses\n$\\mu$={mean:.2%}, $\\sigma$={std:.2%}", # noqa: W605
ax.set_xlabel("Period of Record")
ax.set_ylabel("Electrical Losses (%)")
if return_fig:
return fig, ax
__defaults_UQ = ElectricalLosses.__attrs_attrs__.UQ.default
__defaults_num_sim = ElectricalLosses.__attrs_attrs__.num_sim.default
__defaults_uncertainty_correction_threshold = (
__defaults_uncertainty_meter = ElectricalLosses.__attrs_attrs__.uncertainty_meter.default
__defaults_uncertainty_scada = ElectricalLosses.__attrs_attrs__.uncertainty_scada.default
def create_ElectricalLosses(
project: PlantData,
UQ: bool = __defaults_UQ,
num_sim: int = __defaults_num_sim,
uncertainty_correction_threshold: NDArrayFloat
| tuple[float, float]
| float = __defaults_uncertainty_correction_threshold,
uncertainty_meter: NDArrayFloat | tuple[float, float] | float = __defaults_uncertainty_meter,
uncertainty_scada: NDArrayFloat | tuple[float, float] | float = __defaults_uncertainty_scada,
) -> ElectricalLosses:
return ElectricalLosses(
create_ElectricalLosses.__doc__ = ElectricalLosses.__doc__